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As a result, the environmental movement was born and even though globally we keep trying to give back to the earth, we will never be able to put back into the soil the vital nutrients that humans need in order to detox, fight disease and thrive. In short, our soil and our water is void of minerals that make a body hum and boost the immune system. They are gone.
Although most people believe that they might have an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals from various foods, it has become apparent that even with a "normal," well-balanced diet it is impossible to get all the necessary micronutrients required for optimal body functions because:
Minerals are the “sparkplugs” of the body and crucial to our health. They are needed for millions of enzymes as cofactors, facilitators, inhibitors and as part of enzymes themselves. Minerals have direct correlation to our health and can be analyzed through a soft tissue mineral biopsy (such as a hair sample) to determine imbalances in the body. Hundreds of common and physical health conditions can be corrected.
One example that I see repeatedly in my practice is women who have an inability to lose weight. They present with classic hypothyroid symptoms, yet when they go to the medical doctor to have a blood serum test done, their lab values come back normal.
Minerals are needed to make thyroid hormones. They are also needed to convert the thyroid hormone T4 to T3 (T3 is the active form of thyroid hormone). The reason medical doctors find normal values is because minerals are not stored in the blood, they are stored in the tissue. If a soft tissue mineral biopsy is performed instead, one would likely see an over-abundance of mercury.
The thyroid hormone is unable to do its job if the cell’s mineral status is off balance. Mercury can sequester the minerals needed to convert T4 to T3. The body cannot solve this problem on its own because minerals are needed to detoxify the mercury.
“As the primary target is the nervous system, chronic mercury exposure can cause symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, headache, and poor recall and concentration. In severe cases chronic exposure leads to intellectual deterioration and neurologic abnormality.”[3]
It has been shown that these symptoms improve after removal of the mercury of these patients with increased mercury as shown on a hair test mineral analysis [3]
If you are chronically experiencing any of the above symptoms, I encourage you to contact me. Through a Health Discovery Session, we will select a program that best fits your needs to get the root cause of your symptoms. I will order a hair mineral testing analysis and find out what minerals you are lacking due to our toxic environment. Don’t wait. Start your journey toward better health today.