Getting Candid about Candida Part 1

Good Yeast, Bad Yeast

Some yeasts are good--in bread, beer, cheese--but they are all measured to a specific amount. Too much can be detrimental and completely change the taste, texture or general composition of the food or beverage. The same is true with Candida--a polymorphic fungal yeast, which is a normal resident of the human microbiome [1].

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are hundreds of species of Candida [2]. The most notable of these is Candida Albicans (C. albicans). This yeast is usually harmless, living on the skin and mucous membranes without causing infection, but if it grows out of control, it can cause infections ranging from superficial skin conditions to life threatening systemic infections [1]. This overgrowth is rooted in the gastrointestinal tract’s microbiome, both the small and large intestines, and is usually the source of all of the following:

Type of Infection Location Who is Effected Symptoms
Thrush Moist surfaces around the lips, inside the cheeks, and on the tongue and palate. Anyone, especially infants and children Curd-like white patches inside the mouth or around the lips. If scraped off, area will be red, inflamed and may bleed slightly.
Esophagitis Esophagus Anyone Pain or difficulty swallowing, possible chest pain behind the sternum
Cutaneous (Skin) Candidiasis Areas of skin that receive little ventilation and are unusually moist: rim of skin at base of the fingernail, areas around groin and in crease of the buttocks, skin folds under large breasts. Babies (diaper rash), people who routinely wear rubber gloves, men who sweat a lot (jock itch), women with large breasts Patches of red, moist, weepy skin, sometimes with small pustules
Vaginal Yeast Infections Vagina 75% of all women experience at least one, up to 45% have 2 or more. Pregnant or diabetic women are especially susceptible. Itchy, sore, thick discharge with cottage cheese-like appearance, burning discomfort around vaginal opening, pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse
Deep Candidiasis Candidia has entered the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. Newborns with very low birth weights, people with severely weakened immune systems from illness or medications Fatigue, joint pain, weight gain, unexplained fever, shock, multiple organ failure (in severe cases)

*This chart is populated with information from Harvard Health Publishing [3].

All of the above are easily treatable, with the exception of deep candidiasis. For those suffering with deep candidiasis, the yeast’s population has grown so out of control that it weakened the intestinal wall (creating leaky gut) and penetrated through into the bloodstream, releasing its toxic byproducts throughout the body. The major waste product of yeast cell activity is Acetaldehyde, a poisonous toxin that promotes free radical activity in the body. Deep candidiasis is rare in healthy people, but can be found among groups with autoimmune disorders and compromised immune systems.

Those that suffer from the more superficial Candida infections usually make a full recovery with treatment. However, people with chronic illness or weakened immune systems may experience recurrent episodes of candidiasis and can become resistant to treatments. If deep candidiasis is located quickly before it spreads to major organs, it too can be treated [3].

Most Candida infections can be prevented by keeping the skin clean and dry, and following a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition. Those with blood sugar handling issues (diabetes, obesity, etc.) can prevent Candida infections by also keeping a close watch on their levels [3].

If you are experiencing or have experienced any of the types of infections in the chart above, now would be a good time to contact me, especially if you have recurrent symptoms. These symptoms and infections are manifestations of something larger going on inside your body that we need to get under control through your diet and lifestyle habits. Sign up for a Health Discovery Session today and we’ll get you on the path toward healing.


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