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It’s really hard to get rid of Candida without adjusting your diet—even if you’re on an antifungal prescription. The key is to take away the foods that are contributing to the overgrowth.
Avoid these foods:
NOTE: You don’t want to take
prebiotics while you’re trying to get rid of Candida—which feed good bacteria and yeast—but you can add them in, along with fermented foods down the line, once your Candida is under control.
Add these foods:
Add these supplements*:
*Dosing for the above supplements should be prepared by a skilled practitioner who understands how to help your body detox for your bio individual need.
Candida is not something to mess around with. If you are experiencing symptoms of Candida, you could really benefit from the use of any of the supplements above. Shop from a trusted source and learn more about quality supplements in my blog link to “Need to Know Basis: Supplements” Blog).
HOWEVER, please contact me for a
Health Discovery Session before purchasing to make sure that you are on the right path and getting exactly what your body needs before adding/mixing vitamins and minerals adlib