I'm a retired NYC firefighter and fitness trainer, who's spent many years working and playing hard, and now at 60, I'm paying for it. Aches and pains, thyroid problems, skin and digestive issues, fatigue, anxiety, and on and on. Most of my life I've gotten the typical runaround from many ill-informed, [yet well-meaning] doctors. I always felt like I knew more about my conditions, at least as they pertained to my body, than they did.
Than I found Heidi, or shall I say, reconnected. Heidi and I met when I was actively kettlebell coaching, and I've been aware of her successful functional medicine practice for years. Many times I almost contacted her after yet another mainstream medical dead end. Thank God, I finally did. My first pre-treatment interview was beyond informative, and I immediately knew I had to continue. When I took the comprehensive 300+ question NutriQ, I felt like it was written just for me. Finally, symptoms I've talked about for decades, were being asked of ME!
Heidi's astute analysis of my information revealed most of my problems were related to diet and stress. We spoke about changes I could make, and exactly how to make them. She remained accessible during the entire process, to answer questions or just cheer me on.
My symptoms have just about all improved. While there is always more work to be done, energy levels, digestion, skin, and issues I didn't even know I had have substantially resolved themselves or completely disappeared. I even lost ten pounds in the process. I am so happy to share my story, in the hope that others will be motivated to take their own healing journey with Heidi.