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So, you’re struggling to solve feeling constantly fatigued, yet you can’t seem to find a solution that not only works but is also practical for you to follow.
Instead of hanging out with friends, being mentally on point, and effortlessly accomplishing daily tasks, you’re canceling plans, not being able to think straight, and struggling to do daily activities.
On top of that, you are experiencing:
Weight gain
Low libido
Sleep issues
It sucks, right?
Plus, you have wasted time, money AND energy trying to solve your energy crisis only to have zero success and find yourself back at square one. It’s de-moralizing and entirely frustrating!
Heck yessss you can solve feeling completely exhausted! Heck yesssss, it’s totally possible to fix! And, please don’t give up! I’m here to help!
When I was in my mid-30s I had accepted a new position as a sales rep in Manhattan. My plan was to be “killin’ it NYC!”. My excitement soon fizzled when out of nowhere I got hit with extreme fatigue. Simply put I was exhausted.
All. The. Time.
To add insult to injury, I was
gaining weight despite eating whole grains and vegetables, rarely eating meat, and exercising like a fiend.
The more I exercised, the worse it got and the more tired I felt.
Some years prior I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and was taking Synthroid so I went to the doctor and had my thyroid levels checked only to be told that they were normal. And that this was normal for someone who was getting a little older. (come on! Is mid-30s old?!)
Has anyone ever said that to you?
So no help. So my day went something like this: wake up, eat, go see clients, come home eat lunch, sleep for several hours, get back up and go see a few more clients, come home eat dinner, go to bed by 6:30 PM. I couldn’t sleep enough.
My weekends were filled with sleep, and napping was my new hobby.
That is when I decided to take action and to take my energy back. I started researching and learning and I worked with a functional medicine practitioner before anyone even knew what functional medicine was. I learned about body systems, gut health, hormones, mitochondria and their imbalances, and how my lifestyle was the key to being balanced, and healing my fatigue.
Also, I took ownership!
Maybe my story sounds a lot like yours! Can you relate?
If you can, let’s talk!
The reason you have failed to find a solution that works isn’t that you’re a failure! In fact, that could not be further from the truth.
The reason a solution eludes you is that most of the information about being fatigued is totally wrong.
Have you been told any of these lies?
Most methods or programs intended to solve fatigue fail to address the underlying causes of why your body is chronically exhausted. One of the key recommendations that are given to people struggling with fatigue is exercise, yet for some people that only worsen the symptoms.
Women are told it's in their head or it's because they're having kids, raising kids, managing the household, working too hard, or getting old.
Pharmaceutical grade drugs can also be prescribed to relieve symptoms: painkillers for muscle pains and headaches or antidepressants for depression.
However, these drugs never really address the underlying cause of your fatigue and they also come with side effects and rob your body of essential nutrients.
This is the exact opposite of what needs to happen.
With all that being true, it’s no wonder that you are still stuck! I mean...who wouldn’t be stuck, right?!
That’s why I developed the Stress Response Blueprint which takes a deep dive into determining why your body systems are imbalanced due to emotional stress, dietary stress, pain, and hidden inflammation.
The Stress Response Blueprint is how I take my clients from bone-tired to refreshed. Fatigue is an illness. There ARE things you can do to take your energy back.
The Stress Response Blueprint is the only way to achieve renewed energy. PLUS, the Stress Response Blueprint will do more than give you back your energy, it will improve your overall health, meaning that you will likely see other annoying health issues start to melt away too!
So, how can you benefit from the Stress Response Blueprint you ask? Great question!
I’m excited to let you know, I’ve packaged it up into my group program!
Unlike all those other programs that have let you down, EnergyRx pulls all the stops so that you can get to the root cause of your constant fatigue. We will take a deep dive into The Stress Response System; emotional stress, dietary stress, pain and hidden inflammation. We will look at what is happening at the cellular level with your mitochondria and your body’s ability to create ATP, the energy currency of every cell in your body.
It's time someone actually discovered WHY and taught you HOW to feel energized for good. Right?
Just close your eyes and imagine that future! It’s possible!
Hi there! My name is Heidi and I help women solve their fatigue problem so they can live a vibrant and energetic life.
I am the perfect person to help you solve fatigue because I suffered from debilitating fatigue as part of my health crisis and I have not only kicked it to the curb, I went on to help 100's of others have the exact same success.
How is my approach different? When a client works with me, I see them as an individual. The reason you are fatigued is unique to you. As part of the EnergyRx program, a comprehensive assessment of your symptoms and how they are impacting your body’s gastrointestinal, detox, and neuroendocrine systems will be collected. Based on this information, a plan will be created, which includes nutrition, lifestyle, and supplemental recommendations.
Your body wants to heal. It just needs the right tools.
EnergyRx has been a pivotal journey in taking back my health and the beginning of loving my body. I am sleeping so much better as before this program I was constantly tired and felt like I couldn’t get enough sleep, because I wasn’t sleeping well. Now I wake much more refreshed. The support from Heidi, her team and the Facebook group, over these 90-days, was absolutely amazing!
90 days spent inside the program learning from Heidi, a functional medicine practitioner, and certified nutritionist who has successfully helped over 1600 clients achieve their health goals. This gives you a solid foundation to take back your vitality and educate you about your body.
Access to a new educational module each week where you'll learn the keys to living energized because knowledge is empowering. With manageable amounts of information each week, you'll be able to make changes and actually stick to them!
Customized supplement protocols, based on your Energy Assessment results so that your body can get the support it needs as it heals.
Lifestyle recommendations, which are foundational to restoring energy so that you can experience long‐term health and wellness.
Individualized Whole Foods Nutrient Dense dietary recommendations, so that you can increase the necessary vitamins and minerals which your body is lacking in order to achieve the results you deserve.
Regular EnergyRx Newsletter, to keep you informed of what's next in the program and encourage you to stay on track with taking back your energy.
Admittance into the EnergyRx Members Only Circle, where you can continue to be sported with all the resources you've enjoyed PLUS unlock additional membership resources.
"Overall, I have experienced many unexpected benefits. I lost 10 pounds and I feel healthy and functional, both physically and emotionally. I’m able to do more and spend more quality time with my family. I’m able to do things that I hadn’t been able to do for years because I didn’t have the energy and everything felt so overwhelming. In the last few months, I’ve begun to pursue some of my passions again, such as writing and playing piano. Overall, I feel like I’ve taken control of my life again."
Women who are ready to heal, and find real life solutions.
Women who want to increase their energy.
Women who want support from others who experience fatigue too.
Women who grapple with being exhausted all the time.
Women who want to get to the root cause of what’s really causing them to be fatigued.
Women who’ve tried everything to fix their fatigue, and know the answer is still out there.
Women who do not want to take “this is normal, you’re getting older” for an answer.
Have you ever said something like this?
"I am exhausted! I feel like I am looking through a foggy glass every day. My limbs feel heavy, my body feels heavy--dragging myself around is an extreme effort. And don't even ask the last time my house was cleaned."
"I often have insomnia, but even if I get some sleep, going through my day is a struggle. I wake up feeling like a drained battery that was supposed to charge but didn’t, and accomplishing daily tasks is nearly impossible with my lack of energy."
"I wish I could be with my kids and grandkids instead of filling my time with naps. I want to participate fully in my life, but this perpetual and extreme exhaustion is keeping me from making memories."
People who are not open to changing their lifestyle and nutrition
People looking for a quick fix.
People who do not work well in groups.
People who are unwilling to put in hard work for themselves.
Excuse Makers - People who aren't ready to finally make some changes.
Anyone not willing to challenge their limiting beliefs or mindset.
3 FREE Months of Members Only Circle while you're in the EnergyRx program
3 FREE Months of Members Only Circle while you're in the EnergyRx program
Are you ready to leave
behind and start experiencing
instead with the Stress Response Blueprint?
Let's ditch fatigue once and for all and do this together right now!
I want you to have ALL the details!
Yes, at this time this program is designed to empower women to take back their vitality.
When signing up for EnergyRx you can pay via credit card with our secure payment system. Payment is due in full when you sign up.
Since participants have immediate access to the program and resources upon purchase, there are no refunds.
Great question, we’re glad you asked. Heidi has been in the medical field for 29 years. She has a degree in diagnostic ultrasound where she holds 4 National Registries as a registered diagnostic medical sonographer (ARMDS). She is a certified functional nutritional therapist (FNTP) from Nutritional Therapy Association. She went on to study functional medicine with the Kalish Institute and was mentored by Dan Kalish, DC for 24 months. She has also taken coursework with Datis Kharrazian, Ph.D., DHSc, DC, MS, MMSc, FACN in the areas of autoimmunity and neuroinflammation and is currently enrolled in his mentorship program “Grand Rounds”. She studied hair mineral analysis via Holistic Mineral Balancing and Mineral Mastery course work., Aging Gracefully, Balancing Body Chemistry with Nutrition (Blood Chemistry interpretation) with Dr. Harry Eidenier, Ph.D. She is an expert in DUTCH, Adrenal Saliva Panels, GI MAP and GI Effects stool testing, Organic Acid Testing (OAT), and Hair Mineral Analysis Testing (HTMA). She is 1 year from receiving her degree in Traditional Naturopathic Medicine where she will go on to take her boards exam to become a board-certified naturopathic doctor. She is forever a student and takes continuing medical education courses weekly.
If you need more help you have 2 options:
Option 1 is the EnergyRx Members Only Circle where for a monthly fee you will have continued access to Heidi via a monthly live call. You will continue to be supported with empowering information from Learn + Heal video class, nutritious recipes, online community group support, and 15% off supplements in the supplement store.
Option 2 is to enter into a 1:1 program with Heidi. You can go to our Work With Me section of our website to learn more about programs that Heidi offers for balancing body systems via functional medicine. If you need more information and want to talk with Heidi to determine if private sessions are right for you, you can also schedule a Discovery Call.
There is approximately 1-1.5 hours of Guided Education and content for each module. The personalized healing plan you receive will suggest some nutrition and lifestyle changes which is also a commitment. Cooking and spending time meal prepping takes time. A healthy lifestyle is a commitment, but one that is well worth your time. You also will have peer support through fellow EnergyRx women as well as Heidi and her team. This program is for women who are ready to commit to cutting out fast food and putting in the time their body deserves but need some extra guidance and support!
You have immediate access to the Welcome and Orientation upon purchase. Because you need to complete your Energy Assessment and have time to orient yourself to the program, the course content won't become available for 1 week. Use that week to complete orientation. When Module 1 opens, you begin your 90-day program. At the end of 90-days you will lose access to the program, but will be invited to join other EnergyRx graduates for the EnergyRx Members Only Circle. This group is designed to offer continued support, education, and resources.
For as long as you'd like!
You will get 3 FREE months of access to the Members Only Circle content while you are going through the 90-day EnergyRx program. After these three months, your subscription will be automatically renewed and unlock further resources like monthly webinars and exclusive sales and freebies for those with memberships only. You can cancel or change your membership to a one-month or yearly subscription at any time.
EnergyRx is focused on balancing body systems to give you more energy. The foundational lifestyle and nutrition suggestions along with the health topics covered in the program are also foundational for managing other health concerns. EnegryRx is not primarily focused on these other health concerns though, so if you have specific health questions or conditions you want Heidi's guidance on, we suggest you book a Discovery Call. Questions asked during the program that go beyond the scope of EnergyRx will be answered to the benefit of the group. If more detailed answers are needed, Heidi will suggest further testing or one-on-one consultation as appropriate.
After you graduate from the 90-day EnergyRx program you will unlock all the educational resources for the Members Only Circle. This includes monthly webinars and additional downloadable resources.
We get the desire to dive in and just binge-watch all the educational videos! Especially when it's information that is mind-blowing and life-altering! But drinking from a firehose is not the way to make lasting changes to our lifestyles. Each module focuses on a topic that will drip to you each week. So on week 1, Module 1 will open up for you to explore. The module will ask you to make a few manageable lifestyle changes and then you have all week to incorporate them into your routine. This method has proved over and over again to be the best strategy for lasting change and transformation!