I came to Heidi in 2018 for what appeared to be shingles on my legs. My medical doctor suggested steroids and possible loss of leg due to venous insufficiency. My doctor said that it was a part of getting older. My wife and I were interested in natural healing, especially since steroids had side effects and amputation is significant not to mention life-altering!
My wife found Heidi in her research and after a recommendation from a colleague who had seen an article Heidi had published, we were confident she was the best practitioner for us to meet.
Initial tests revealed h-pylori, which was addressed with a supplement and dietary protocol. With that healed, further testing revealed norovirus, exhausted adrenals, leaky-gut, gut-dysbiosis, and SIBO. At this point, I had changed doctors but my new doctor would not order the bloodwork Heidi was requesting "because no one looks at that". Had she ordered it, my insurance would have covered it. After self-paying and getting the results of what areas were deficient, the doctor said 'Oh, wow".
Without several tests, several different times, we would have never picked up the h-pylori, the norovirus, leaky gut, or several of the nutritional deficiencies, and I would still be struggling with skin lesions and frequent illness due to an overworked immune system.
Three years from the start of this journey, the adrenals are still healing, the skin is cleared-up, my energy is beginning to return, and I am now able to walk two miles and workout with a personal trainer twice a week [and wear shorts and swim]!
In addition to my skin improving, and my gut slowly healing, I have not been ill since we began addressing the dis-eases in my gut.
I have the highest recommendation for Heidi. She saved my legs! I would want anyone who's considering working with her to understand that re-allocating your finances and your mindset to commit to healing will improve your health. The research, learning, and commitment I made has changed my life completely. The changes I made are all worth it to be able to live the life I want!