Thank you for visiting our site, we’re so happy to have you! If you have questions, comments or concerns and would like to connect, please drop us a line via the form in the footer. Heidi is not able to give health recommendations to those not in a package or program.
Have an upcoming workshop, conference or event and think Heidi would be a valuable addition? Heidi is available, live and in-person, for select panel discussions and speaking engagements around the country. She has spoken on a variety of topics related to her work, her passions as well balancing female hormones in the peri-menopausal woman, the microbiome and the three primary health foundations; gastrointestinal, neuroendocrine, and detox. Heidi’s speaking fees are dependent upon the event location, duration and format. If you are interested in scheduling an event, please contact us at and give us the details. SOCIAL
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for the most up to date news and information.