The root cause of an autoimmune disease is much deeper than just the symptoms, and it’s something that needs to be treated, quite literally, from the inside out. You can’t just take an immunosuppressant and expect everything to go back to normal—some of your symptoms might lessen or go away, but you still won’t feel well and this isn’t resolving the issue. In fact, it’s only making it worse.
You are unique, your experience is unique, and your autoimmune disease is unique to you. Through a comprehensive evaluation, including diagnostic testing, I will look at all the body systems (digestion, detox, and neuroendocrine) to determine the root cause of your particular autoimmune disease. This is the job of a functional nutritionist. Once we have the problem isolated, I will provide diet and lifestyle recommendations to aid in the path toward recovery. I will treat the root cause of your disease, not just suppress the symptoms.
You do not have to live in pain from an autoimmune disease. Together we can balance your life and heal your body.
Sound like you and the “you” that you want to be? It’s time to take control. Click below to learn more.