I struggled with severe acid reflux for over 15 years before I finally met Heidi. During my first visit, I was overwhelmed by the supplements and diet—no one had ever suggested this to me before. But I stuck with it and it worked!
We addressed my acid reflux, and in turn found a few other health concerns to attack before I would feel whole again. The process was slow, and discouraging at times, but with Heidi’s constant encouragement and belief in me, I persevered. Recovery is often a marathon of baby steps.
I turned 70 this year and am very fortunate to be active and strong. I travel every year to new and varied locations, usually hiking with my sisters. I was even able to go to Paris with my daughter, two granddaughters and a sister this year. Best trip ever.
Stay active, eat well, and seek health from someone who will put you first.